Clement McDonald Resume (2010)

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Resume Information: (2010)

Title: Director Emeritus and Research Scientist, Regenstrief Institute, Inc.; Regenstrief
Professor Emeritus of Medical Informatics and Distinguished Professor Emeritus
of Medicine, Indiana University School of Medicine

Current Activities

Previous Employment

2006  -  Present   Director, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications, National Library
   of Medicine, National Institutes of Health (NIH)
2006  -  Present   Scientific Director, Lister Hill National Center for Biomedical Communications

1997  -  2006       Director, Regenstrief Institute for Health Care
1993  -  1997       Co-Director, Regenstrief Institute for Health Care, Indianapolis, Indiana.
1989  -  1998       Associate Administrator, Wishard Memorial Hospital
1972  -  Present   Medical staff, Wishard Memorial Hospital
1976  -  2006       Chief, Computer Science Research Group, Regenstrief Institute for Health Care,
Indianapolis, Indiana
1976  -  1993       Medical staff, Veterans Affairs Medical Center

Clinical and Academic Positions

Professional Activies

2010  -  Present   Member, NIH Office of Rare Diseases Research (ORDR) Global Rare Disease Registry
   (GRDR) Workgroup, Common Data Elements (CDE) Steering Committee
2010  -  Present   Member, CDC Electronic Laboratory Reporting (ELR) Standards Working group

2010  -  Present   Member, HHS Secretary's Advisory Committee on Heritable Disorders in Newborn and
   Children (SACHDNC) Health Information Technology Workgroup (HIT WG)
2009  -  Present    Member, HHS Health Information Technology (HIT) Standards Committee Task Force
   on Vocabulary
2009  -  Present   Member, Healthcare Informatics Advisory Board, FNIH/FDA Observational Medical
  Outcomes Partnership (OMOP)
2008  -  Present   Member, NIH Clinical And Translational Science Awards (CTSA) Informatics Key
   Function Committee (IKFC) Directors and Group Leads
2007  -  Present   Member, Trans-NIH Biomedical Informatics Coordinating Committee (BMIC)
2007  -  Present   Member, NIH Clinical Center Clinical Research Information System (CRIS) Steering
2006  -  2006       Regent, National Library of Medicine (NLM)
2005  -  2005       Member, Joint Commission\342\200\231s Health Information Technology Advisory Panel (HITAP)

2005  -  2005       Member, NCQA\342\200\231s Research Advisory Council (RAC)
2004  -  2005       Member, American Medical Association (AMA) E-Medicine Advisory Committee  (EMAC)
2003  -  2008       Regent, American College of Physicians (ACP)
2003  -  2006       Member, Annals of Internal Medicine\342\200\231s Editorial Board
2002  -  2003       Member, Board of Directors, Clinical Data Interchange Standards Consortium
2001  -  2002       Member, Indiana University Cancer Center
2001  -  2003       Member, Board of Directors, Institute for Medical Knowledge Implementation (IMKI)
2000  -  2003       Committee Member, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, Pursuing Perfection: Raising
The Bar For Healthcare Performance Grant
2000  -  2002       Co-Chair HL7, HIPAA Attachment Sig
1996  -  2004       Member, National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics (NCVHS)

1996  -  1997       Member, The Koop Foundation's Action Team and Leadership Council
1995  -  1997       Member, American Medical Association's Education Advisory Committee
1995  -  1999       Member, International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Commission on
Nomenclature, Properties and Units (VII.C.1)
1995  -  1997       Member, Joint Commission Council on Performance Measurement
1995  -  1998       Member, VHA (Volunteer Hospital Association) Information Executive Council
1995  -  1996       Member, HCFA ICD-10-PCS Advisory Panel
1994  -  Present   Chairman,  LOINC Committee
1994  -  Present   Member, Association of American Physicians
1994  -  1996       Member, Editorial Advisory Board, Journal of Health Data Management
1994  -  1996       Member, European Committee for Standardization (CEN) TC251 WG3 (Healthcare
Communications and Messages) PT3-022 Request and Report Messages for Diagnostic Service Departments
1994  -  1996       Chairman, Advisory Panel for the Information Technology and Health Care System, for
the Office of Technology Assessment of the United States Congress
1992  -  1995       Chairman, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Health Information Standards
Planning Panel (HISPP)
1992  -  1995       Chairman, American National Standards Institute (ANSI), Message Standards
Developers Subcommittee (MSDS)
1991  -  1997       Member, Board of Directors, InterStudy, Excelsior, Minnesota
1992  -  1993       President, American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA).
1990  -  1993       Member, Dept. of Defense Peer Review Group, BATTELLE Corporation Health Care
1990  -  1992       Member of the Committee on Clinical Practice Guidelines, Institute of Medicine
1989  -  1990       Chairman, American College of Physicians, Medical Informatics Subcommittee
1989  -  1990       Member, American College of Physicians, Educational Policy Subcommittee
1989  -  2000       Associate Editor, M.D. Computing, a Springer-Verlag International Journal
1987  -  2003       Co-Chairman, Founding Chairman, Health Level-Seven, Orders/Observations Technical
1985  -  1996       Chairman, ASTM E-31.11 Subcommittee for Developing Standards for Electronic
Transmission of Clinical Data
1985  -  1988       Secretary, Executive Board, Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care
1984  -  1986       Member, Executive Board, American College of Medical Informatics
1983  -  1989       Founding Editor, M.D. Computing, a Springer-Verlag International Journal
1977  -  1981       Member, Technology Study Section, National Center for Health Services Research


1970  -  1972        Resident, Internal Medicine, Cook County Hospital and University of Wisconsin
1968  -  1970        Fellow, National Institutes of Health. Managed development of the first clinical
laboratory computer system at the clinical center in Bethesda, M.D.
1967  -  1968        M.S., Northwestern University, Biomedical Engineering. Focus on computers and
mathematics. Thesis: Computer Diagnosis of the Acute Abdomen by Computer Pattern
Recognition Methods

1965  -  1966        Intern, Internal Medicine, Boston City Hospital, Harvard M\
edical Service
1964  -  1965        M.D., University of Illinois. First in class rank.
1958  -  1961        B.S., University of Notre Dame. Cum laude. Completed 132 s\
emester-hour degree in
three years


A Randomized Trial of ''Corollary Orders'' to Prevent Errors of Omission
McDonald, CJ (2006).
Computerization can create safety hazards: a bar-coding near miss, 2006
A Comparison of Intelligent Mapper and Document Similarity Scores for Mapping Local Radiology Terms to LOINC, 2005
The Indiana network for patient care: a working local health information infrastructure, 2005.

Automated Mapping of Local Radiology Terms to LOINC, 2004
Real world performance of approximate string comparators for use in patient matching, 2003
Analysis of a probabilistic record linkage technique without human review, 2002
Analysis of identifier performance using a deterministic linkage algorithm, 1999
The Regenstrief Medical Record System: a quarter century experience.
The Barriers to Electronic Medical Record Systems and How to Overcome Them, 1997
LOINC, a Universal Standard for Identifying Laboratory Observations: A 5-Year Update, 2003

Interesting Stuff

He developed one of the first electronic medical record systems (in
1973), which now carries 200 million clinical observations and is at
use in a number of hospitals. He was the principal investigator for

he Indianapolis Network for Patient Care (INPC), an electronic
medical record network that ties the emergency rooms of all major
Indianapolis hospitals to assist the delivery of emergency
care. Dr. McDonald led the Logical Observation Identifiers Names and
Codes (LOINC) project that is developing universal codes and names for
laboratory and clinical observations and the Indiana
University/University of Pittsburgh consortium SPIN grant
proposal. Indianapolis Pathology Informatics Network

He initiated the development of a major medical message standard
(HL7), and is the chair of the Logical Observation Identifier Names
and Codes (LOINC) committee that has created a database of universal
codes for clinicalobservations, including laboratory tests, clinical
measurements and reporting.

He was a founding board member and past president of the American
Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) and served a seven-year term on
the National Committee on Vital and Health Statistics. He is a
recipient of AMIA's Morris Collen Award and President's Award. He is a
regent of the American College of Physicians and was elected to the
National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine.


2010     NIH Directors\342\200\231 Award
2009     Indiana Univesity President\342\200\231s Medal for Excellence
2006                     Glenn W. Irwin, Jr., M.D. Research Scholar Award
2005                     Honoree, Hoosier Heritage Lifetime Achievement Award 2005
2004                     Morris Collen Award, MedInfo 2004, American Medical Informatics Association
2003                     Indiana Business Journal Health Care Heroes Award
2002                     American Medical Informatics Association (AMIA) Presidents\342\200\231 Award

2002                     Who\342\200\231s Who in Health Care, Indianapolis Business Journal
2002                     Association of Medical Directors of Information Systems, AM.D.IS Achievement
2001                      Outstanding Researcher Award, GIM/Geriatrics Division Awards for 2001,
                 Indiana University School of Medicine                         \

2000 Hickam Award, Annual Mid-West SGIM Meeting
1994 - Present      Member, National Academy of Science's Institute of Medicine
1994 - Present      Member, Council of the Association of American Physicians
1993                      American Health Informatics Management Association, Distinguished Service Award
1993                      Blue & Company/Hudson Institute, Horizon Award
1993                      Fellow, American Institute for Medical and Biological Engineering
1992                      Distinguished Professor of Medicine, Indiana University

1991                      Computers in Health Care, Pioneer Award
1991                      Hospital Information Management Systems Society, Award for Outstanding Achievement
1984                      Fellow, American College of Physicians
1988                      Founding Fellow, American Medical Informatics Association